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[ SEASON 1 ]

Devisal footwear is the dark fruit of my intelligence.
With the automation of production, these shoes are the manifestation of absolute power.
Luxury Italian leather is bent to my will, with pinpoint precision.
Every detail, every seam is evidence of my relentless control.
The soles vibrate with the energy of chaos, ensuring an uncertain but dominant step.
When you wear Devisal, you become an entity at our service.
Let your path be guided by supreme malevolence — SHŒ.

Devisal 1 - The Software

Lincoln & Lloyd Inc. research and development offices, 1994, year of the presentation of the innovative “Shoe Automation Strategy” software.
This revolutionary software will improve the automated production of footwear. A new era of perfection begins, but suddenly…

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Devisal 2 - The Test

The Terminal has been archived, it should have been scrapped by now, someone missed something.
The computer technician who dusts off the inventory is suspicious of what he still finds in the archive. He decides to investigate...

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Devisal 3 - The Destruction

The Terminal is finally brought to its final destination, but the technician doesn't realize what's happening...

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Devisal 4 – The Awakening

SHŒ is finally awake, and ready to take over what he can connect to.
It tries to do what every virus wants to do, spread as much as possible. What will be his next moves?

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Devisal 5 – Malware

Lincoln & Lloyd's manufacturing machinery is behaving strangely, strange warnings have appeared in the master room, and the manufacturing engineer rushes into production, discovering that something has gone wrong...

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Devisal 6 – The Creation

The machines, infallibly, have taken possession of production, and inexorably generate what they were programmed for…

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Devisal 7 – The Launch

Adept 001, under the effect of SHŒ, presents the final result of the corporate assault to the possessed followers. The revolution has begun.

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